Recording Available: Florida Gun Legislation Update

Recording Available: Florida Gun Legislation Update

Oak Hammock Gun Laws Update Presentation Slide

At their May 14th meeting, the Oak Hammock Committee heard an update on Florida's Gun Laws, with Gwendolyn Saffo, LWVAC VP and chair of the LWVAC Gun Violence Prevention and Safety Committee and Rebecca Darnell, Legislative Lead for Moms Demand Action Alachua County. A recording is now available.

This was another collaboration between the LWVAC and Moms Demand Action. The presentation was well attended and good questions were asked by the participants! We look forward to a continued partnership.

Watch the Recording Now

Photo collage of 7 photos from the OH Gun Laws Update meeting 



Issues referenced by this article: 
This article is related to which committees: 
Gun Violence Prevention & SafetyOak Hammock
League to which this content belongs: 
Alachua County