See a video recroding of the webinar here.
Confused about the California ballot propositions? Want to quickly learn about them in depth and through a nonpartisan lens? Every election cycle the League of Women Voters presents research-based Pros and Cons information about the propositions, as well as information about major funding sources supporting or opposing them. Janet Hoy and Sue Brandy, LWVDV, will moderate this important webinar and will answer your questions about the ballot propositions.
Community Conversations are sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Diablo Valley, the League of Women Voters of West Contra Costa County, CCTV, and the Contra Costa County Library.
The webinar will have simultaneous Spanish interpretation. The Library will provide closed captioning for this event.This program will be recorded and uploaded to the Library and LWVDV YouTube channels after the event.
Contact programs [at] lwvdv.org for more information.