8.21 How to get out the vote? NETWORK

8.21 How to get out the vote? NETWORK

Exclamation point inside a red triangle
Time Range For Action Alert: 
August 21, 2024 to September 9, 2024

Thanks to each of you for reading and participating in the Action Alerts. With the primary election successfully completed, we have eleven weeks to get out the vote for the general election on November 5.

From top to bottom on the ballot, there will be enormously important voting choices. Locally, we have two referendums that impact democracy in a big way. For the city of Gainesville, voters will have a chance to return the governance of our public utility to our local elected officials. For Alachua County, voters will have a chance to return to electing county commissioners on an at-large basis. These referendums are in response to unfair tactics that changed laws by disregarding democratic processes and deceiving voters. Both of them will greatly influence the future of our community. The League is recommending a "Yes" vote on both referendums. Nationally, voters will be choosing the next president. If there was ever a time to get every eligible voter to their ballot, it is NOW.

So, roll up your sleeves, put a smile on your face, and celebrate democracy by getting out the vote! Here’s what you can do:

  1. The League will be doing lots of tabling events and we need a full team. We are tabling at libraries every week, at the Matheson Museum Voice and Votes exhibit, and at various fun events. Tabling is fun. If you can help, info [at] lwv-alachua.org (subject: Tabling) (email us) and put “tabling” in the subject line.
  2. Our League wants to encourage people to go to our VOTE411 website for information on their ballot choices. We have hundreds of handouts to distribute to YOUR friends, neighbors, book clubs, gym buddies, bunko group and anybody else you can think of. The handouts are free for the taking on Janice’s porch. If each person who reads this takes at least 25 handouts to distribute, we can network all over this community. info [at] lwv-alachua.org (subject: Flyers) (Email Janice) for the address. Alternatively, send the VOTE411.org link to your chat groups, emails with friends and post it on any social media you use.
  3. Print this message out, tack it to your fridge, and each day, say “What can I do today to motivate people to vote on November 5? What can I do today to encourage people to go to the VOTE411 site for election information?” Are you going to visit with a friend? Take a VOTE411 handout. Do you have a neighborhood event? Take a VOTE411 handout. Are you attending some kind of meeting? Take a VOTE411 handout. Keep them in your car, purse or pocket.

This is what democracy looks like, folks! Democracy and our community need you!
Thank you!


Issues referenced by this action alert: 
This action alert is related to which committees: 
Voter ServicesNatural Resources