![September 17, 2024 Radford City CandidateForum September 17, 2024 Radford City CandidateForum](https://my.lwv.org/sites/default/files/leagues/montgomery-county-va/september172024radfordcitycandidateforum.jpg)
The League of Women Voters of Montgomery County, in collaboration with the NAACP of Montgomery County, Radford, and Floyd, will host two candidate forums in Radford, both at the Radford High School Auditorium.
- City of Radford School Board Candidate Forum - Tuesday, September 17, 2024, at 6:30 pm at Radford High School Auditorium
- City of Radford City Council Candidate Forum – Tuesday, October 15, 2024, at 6:30 pm at Radford High School Auditorium
The League needs to provide 8 volunteers for each event. If you can help, please contact Cyndy Graham, cyndyvt1 [at] gmail.com. Please also complete the form at https://forms.office.com/r/Zfe09wmEtv.
LWV volunteers can serve in these roles:
- Time Keepers - 2-3 per event. The timekeepers keep time for the candidates to speak. They will provide the start time and give increments of how much time is left. One person keeps the time while the others hold up signs.
Q & A Sorters - 3 per event. Review the questions for duplication/similarity and put into categories for the moderator to ask.
Greeters/Hosts. Welcome people at the doors and hand out index cards.
Host LWV information table: 2 per event. Hand out membership and voting information.
All volunteers should plan to arrive by 5:30 pm. We can carpool.