One Person One Vote

One Person One Vote

One Person One Vote

Championing Democracy Through Popular Vote

Join the League's ambitious "moonshot" initiative to transform how America elects its president. Our One Person, One Vote campaign is leading the charge to educate and mobilize citizens around electoral reform, working toward a system where every vote carries equal weight.

Our Mission

We're dedicated to fostering understanding about the Electoral College's impact on American democracy while building support for a direct popular vote system. Through education and advocacy, we're laying the groundwork for meaningful electoral reform.

Educational Outreach

Our dynamic 30-minute presentation covers:

  • The origins and evolution of the Electoral College
  • Real-world impacts on voting power
  • Common myths and misconceptions
  • Pathways to meaningful reform
  • Steps citizens can take to support change

Get Involved

Become a Presenter: Join our team of trained speakers bringing this crucial message to communities across Ventura County. We provide comprehensive training materials, including presentation slides, speaking notes, and handout materials.

Host a Presentation: Invite us to speak at your organization or community group about this vital democratic reform initiative.

As a non-partisan organization, we analyze issues thoroughly and advocate for positions based on careful study and consensus. While we never endorse political parties or candidates, we actively champion democratic reforms that strengthen voter representation.

Presentation Coordinator - Pat Butler – Psbutler2024 [at] (subject: Electoral%20College) (contact via email)