Voters deserve to have clear, explanatory information when asked to vote on major changes in their town or city government.
Please submit written testimony in favor of House Bill 7125, requiring that ballots contain a clear explanation of any major charter revision proposals.
Action: Tell the GAE Committee and your state rep that we need HB 7125 An Act Concerning Referenda on Revisions to Municipal Charters and Home Rule Ordinance.
- Register to speak and/or submit written testimony to the Government and Elections Administration (GAE) Committee in support of HB 7125 An Act Concerning Referenda on Revisions to Municipal Charters and Home Rule Ordinance.
- If your legislator is on GAE Committee, also ask them to vote "Yes" to send the bill forward out of committee.
- Extra credit: Send your testimony to your state representative, even if they are not on the committee.
TIP: Have you ever voted on a ballot question about changing your town or city charter that used vague or confusing language? If so, please mention it in your testimony!
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The New Britain League of Women Voters asks that you join us in working to create legislation which will bring understanding to the questions that appear on the ballot for charter revision proposals. Last year we received the support of many of our sister Leagues in Connecticut, as well as the LWVCT. We are asking for your support this year, in the form of written testimony or in-person testimony. If you are meeting with your legislators, we hope you will bring HB 7125 to their attention.
The problem:
The language for proposed municipal charter revisions is often vague and non-explanatory of the changes that the revision is proposing to make, even when those changes are substantial. Voters are left in the dark, unless they have done a deep dive on each ballot referendum question before heading to the polls. Here's an example from the town of Waterbury from November 2024:
Shall the Charter be revised in accordance with the recommendations of the Charter Revision Commission, as approved by the Board of Aldermen, as published, posted on the website of the City and further described in an explanatory text issued by the Town Clerk?
Connecticut voters deserve clear explanations on major changes to local government, which is why we have been working on this bill for three years. Last year’s bill, HB 5494 An Act Concerning Municipal Charter Revision Referenda, was about to go to the House floor for a vote in the last few days of the 2024 session but it was pulled by the Speaker. There was a concern that the proposal would make the ballot too crowded with all the changes listed that could be proposed during charter revision. After discussion with leadership and with the LWV committee for this bill, the League agreed to submit the initial language, requiring clarity and simplicity in language from last year’s bill.
However, the new bill, HB 7125, also proposes 5 areas that would require explanations to be included on the ballot if the charter revision commission recommends a change:
- Charter changes to the manner in which the Common Council (or governing body of the municipality) is elected.
- Charter changes changing whether specified officials are elected or appointed, or changing their term of office. The office affected would be named in the question, i.e. Treasurer, City Clerk, etc.
- Charter changes which alter residency requirements for municipal department heads.
- Charter changes in the required notification of hearings to the public which affect the budgetary process.
- Creation or Dissolution of Boards and Commissions of the city or town.
Other proposed changes could appear on the ballot in a generalized, over-arching question such as “do you approve the other changes proposed by the charter revision commission.” Charter revision commissions could also choose to recommend other area specific questions.
Of course, it is up to the GAE Committee and the Legislature to rework these five areas, but we hope that they will find that our recommendations will improve understanding of charter revision ballot questions.
If you would like any other information about the path this legislation is on, please email me at aspeyer [at] comcast.net or call me at 860 839-0519.
Thank you!
Ann Speyer, New Britain Area LWV
Chair of ad hoc committee for charter revision ballot clarity legislation