The film will be followed by a panel discussion facilitated by the The Rev. Lisa Fischbeck, Church of the Advocate, with Anna Richardswith, Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP President, Diane Robertson, Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP Political Action Chair,
and Jennifer Bremer, NC League of Women Voters State Board Member. To join the film screening and discussion, please contact Elizabeth [at]
We Cried Power tells the story of a bold new social movement to end poverty in the United States, led by Rev. Dr. William J. Barber and Rev. Dr. Liz Theoharis. 140 million people in the United States are poor or low wealth. In the wealthiest society in human
history, nearly half of the population lives in poverty or is struggling to make ends meet and cannot afford a $400 emergency. This is the time to make economic and structural demands on our government to end the multiple pandemics of systemic racism and poverty and the militarized force that is used against us. Watch the trailer.
Chapel Hill - Carrboro NAACP, Political Action Committee, Co-Sponsor
WILPF Triangle (Women’s International League for Peace & Freedom), Co-Sponsor
League of Women Voters, Orange, Durham, and Chatham Counties, Co-Sponsor