LWVODC Redistricting Reform Monthly Meetings

LWVODC Redistricting Reform Monthly Meetings

Join Us Help Make Democracy Work
Monday, July 12, 2021 - 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Something WE Can Do

As soon as census data is available, the NC legislature will be drawing maps that we will have to live with for 10 years.  Delays work to their advantage as there will not be sufficient time for court challenges and redraws.  We need to put pressure on the legislature to hold open redistricting committee hearings NOW, to establish a transparent process and impartial criteria for drawing the maps. 

We want a lot of people to contact President Pro-Tem Phil Berger, Speaker Tim Moore and the redistricting committee chairs with this message.  If you are concerned that we have fair maps in place for the next 10 years, can you send off a few emails … even better also a few letters and phone calls.  We need help mobilizing folks in ODC … can you contact a few people and ask them to do the same.

Join us for our monthly team meeting on Monday July 12 at 6:00PM as we move forward with our plan of action. If you are not able to attend, but want to join in the action, let Jennifer know:  Bremer.jennifer [at] gmail.com 

Meeting ID: 729 0088 1721 Password: FEAT
This event is related to which committees: 
Fair Elections / Redistricting Reform Action Team