Our Democracy: Do We Need the Power of Citizen Initiatives?

Our Democracy: Do We Need the Power of Citizen Initiatives?

Statue of Liberty
Thursday, May 4, 2023 - 7:00pm
The upcoming Spring 2023 lecture on Our Democracy: Do We Need the Power of Citizen Initiatives? is the next in LWVODC’s State of our Democracy lecture series. We invite you and your friends to learn about citizen initiatives, a powerful tool of direct democracy that has been critical in other states’ success in ending gerrymandering and strengthening voters’ voices. Citizen initiatives enable voters to collect signatures and put a law or even a constitutional amendment on the ballot for citizens to vote up or down. The lecture is available via zoom and is open to the public. Registration is free and required. Please let us know by May 3rd at 5:00 pm if you plan to attend, and we will send you a link to the Zoom meeting.
Our guest speaker, Asher Hildebrand, Associate Professor of the Practice, at Duke University’s Sanford School for Public Policy, will discuss:
  • what citizen initiative is,
  • which states already have it and why the South doesn’t,
  • key questions to consider in designing a citizen initiative,
  • the risks and benefits of citizen initiative for our state, and
  • how we might go about getting it adopted.