2023 Fran Ryan
"Fran Ryan has a unique ability to mobilize support to realize a community vision, working for decades to make Columbus the best possible place to work, live and raise a family."
2022 Amy Klaben
"Move to PROSPER is my most gratifying work as we seek to create a more just and equitable community for lower income families."
2021 Ted Celeste
Ted Celeste's career has focused on promoting and training elected officials across America to engage in civil discourse as the founder of the Next Generation Project for the National Institute for Civil Discourse. Mr. Celeste has gathered wide respect among legislators of both parties in his work to promote “greater understanding and better decision-making through respectful dialogue.” He is a superb and an inspiring choice for this year! Honoary Co-Chairs for the event include Dick Celeste, Frank LaRose and Yvette McGee Brown.
Other past recipients include: Mary Lazarus, John Fisher, Chuck White and WBNS-10TV, Herb Asher, JoAnn Davidson, Robert Duncan, Bob & Dorothy Teater, Cynthia Cecil Lazarus, Rev. Leon Troy, Fred Andrle, Mike Curtain, Matt Habash, Senator John and Annie Glenn, Betty Montgomery, Yvette McGee Brown, Joseph Mas, Columbus Metro Parks, the Statehouse News Bureau, Sara Neikirk, Justice Thomas Moyer, Hugh Dorrian, Janet Jackson, in additions to Ted Celeste, Amy Klaben, Fran Ryan and Reverend John Edgar.