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Mifepristone, a drug commonly used for medication abortion, is under attack in the federal courts. At stake are the rights of women and people who can become pregnant to access one of the most common, effective, and safest forms of abortion.

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To achieve the League's vision of a democracy where every person has the desire, the right, the knowledge, and the confidence to participate, LWV advocates on issues like voting rights as

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Read about Section 208 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (VRA), which requires that states allow people with disabilities to receive assistance in the voti

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Whether they’re in the military, studying abroad, or permanently living overseas, all US citizens living abroad who are eligible to vote can still cast their ballots.

2024 SBW Winners
Join us in congratulating the 2024 Susan B. Wilson Civic Awards recipients.
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Moyle v. United States asks whether the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), a federal law, preempts — or overrides — Idaho’s Defense of Life Act... Put simply, Moyle v. United States concerns whether states can restrict abortion beyond what EMTALA currently allows...


"On the surface, it was just another tea party—a well-behaved group of women passing cups of brewed beverages around the genteel table of Jane Hunt, a well-to-do New York woman who had invited four others to dine with her. But this tea party w

Logo for 2024 Lippitt House Museum Conversations w/LWV Providence

Lippitt House Museum, the Providence League of Women Voters, and the African Alliance of Rhode Island partnered on two in-person community discussions on March12 & 19 about civic life for immigrants in Rhode Island. The “Immigration, Belonging & Civic Participation Community Conversation” series was part of Rhode Island Civic Learning Week.

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It’s International Women’s Day, the day we honor women worldwide.
