Expand access to mail ballots this election year

Expand access to mail ballots this election year

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Expand access to mail ballots this election year
By Jane W. Koster, John Marion and Steven Brown Providence Journal 5/11/2020

Today, we are fighting a different war -- against a pandemic. We again need to change how we vote as we battle this invisible enemy. It is not acceptable at this time to ask nursing homes and schools to open their facilities to serve as polling places.

It is not acceptable to ask thousands of poll workers to expose themselves to hundreds of voters on Election Day. It is not acceptable to ask voters to choose between their health and their constitutional right to vote.

The safest way to protect public health while also protecting democracy is to allow expanded access to mail ballots. They can be cast in the safety of the voter's home and returned through the Postal Service or designated drop boxes. Full Editorial


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