Book Club

Book Club



5 Collins Court
Barrington Rhode Island 02806
Rhode Island US
Thursday, January 9, 2025 - 1:00pm to 3:00pm
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You are all still requested to read any of Betty White's books or anything about her OR even anything written about Fannie's Flag or one of her books to discuss female humor! We will all need to see the humor in EVERYTHING in 2025!

The play "What the Constitution Means to Me" will hopefully be shown at Naomi's and we will discuss that AND the humor you found in any of the above books you chose to share.

I will have the suggested books for the rest of 2025 ready for the meeting Feb. meeting at the latest AND I AM STILL OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS FROM ANY OF YOU! But I will be trying to maintain humorous or "upbeat, uplifting" books so our attitudes stay positive!

Linda J and always at this email OR 401-816-0331 for questions or suggestions

Contact Information
Naomi Kennedy
This event is related to which committees: 
LWVRI - Book Club