Rhode Island State House
82 Smith Street
Governor's Reception Room
Rhode Island
See map: Google Maps
Rhode Island US
Tuesday, April 3, 2018 - 3:00pm to Wednesday, April 4, 2018 - 2:45pm
RI General Treasurer Seth Magaziner spoke at League Day at the State House on April 3, 2018. His focus was the new school upgrade plan coming out of Governor Raimondo's Rhode Island School Building Task Force that Magaziner co-chaired.
Agenda for Tuesday April 3rd at the Governor's Reception Room
3 P.M. Social Hour - Meet and Greet - Outside the Governor's Reception Room
4 P.M. League Program
5 P.M. RI General Treasurer Seth Magaziner speaks to the League
Issues referenced by this event:
This event is related to which committees:
LWVRI - State LeagueLWVRI - Advocacy - IssuesLWVRI - Providence