LWVUS Public Policy on Reproductive Rights
(For Complete position: Impact on Issues, pg. 57) The League's Position Statement of Position on Public Policy on Reproductive Rights, as announced by the National Board, January 1983:
The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that public policy in a pluralistic society must affirm the constitutional right of privacy of the individual to make reproductive choices.
LWVUS Health Care
(For Complete position: Impact on Issues, pg. 137)
The League's Position Statement of Position on Health Care, as announced by the National Board, April 1993 and supplemented by concurrence to add Behavioral Health,E June 2016:
GOALS: The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that a basic level of quality health care at an affordable cost should be available to all U.S. residents. Other U.S. health care policy goals should include the equitable distribution of services, efficient and economical delivery of care, advancement of medical research and technology, and a reasonable total national expenditure level for health care.
What the LWVUS is doing: Health Care Reform LWV Healthcare Reform Toolkit
Mifepristone: Where Things Stand in the Legal Battle Over Medication Abortion - LWVUS Blog post June 17, 2024
It finally happened! As you may have seen on the news, the Equality in Abortion Coverage was signed into law last night 5/18/2023 by the Governor. With your involvement making phone calls and writing to your legislators, providing written testimony, and/or appearing at the State House our collective efforts made equity real. We had strong legislators who led the charge. And we had coalitions that provided real life information for our messages. And now, all Rhode Islanders have access to abortion coverage.
A big cheer for a great accomplishment! Let's thank those supportive legislators we contacted for their vote!
And a big thanks to all of you!
The EACA (S 32) was voted out of the Senate Judiciary Committee (7-6) 5/16/2023
The committee members who voted yes were Chair Euer, Senators Quezada, LaMountain, McKenney, Burke. Majority Leader Pearson and Senate President Ruggerio both as ex-officio members came in to cast a vote in favor. The Senate President cast the tie-breaking vote. Please send a thank you to these Senators. No votes were: Senators Tikoian, DeLuca, Raptakis, Lombardi. Minority Leader de la Cruz and Minority Whip Rogers, also ex-officio came in to vote against.
The House EACA bill H-5006 was passed by the House 4/27/2023
2/25/2023 - Mary Chace
There are rumors that hearings on the Equality in Abortion Care Act (EACA - H-5006/S-32) may begin soon after the General Assembly returns from winter break, which is February 28. There is much you can do to prepare for them, whether you have much or little time.
Please see the LWVRI EACA Call to Action along with the other documents below for details.
EACA FAQ RICRF EACA Fact Sheet Writing a LTE
Although Griswold v. Connecticut and Roe v. Wade were supposed to have settled the question of reproductive rights, the issue has been continously argued in legislatures for decades. So in the '80s the LWVUS did a study and a position was adopted in January 1983. Since then the Rhode Island League has been continuously working to preserve reproductive rights as the issue has never waned in Rhode Island. We have been active members of the 2:1 Coalition to Preserve Choice, Rhode Island Choice Coalition, Rhode Island Coalition for Reproductive Freedom, and assorted other groups.