Nevada adds ERA to the Nov. 8 ballot

Nevada adds ERA to the Nov. 8 ballot

From VoteEquality:
As rights previously assumed to be constitutionally protected are under attack, many Americans are looking to their states for protection. This November, a very important indicator for the ERA movement is happening in Nevada on November 8th!
The Nevada ERA is fully inclusive, prohibiting discrimination on the basis of race, color, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, disability, ancestry or national origin.  A YES vote on Ballot Question 1 is a vote for equality and a landslide success will help inject much-needed energy into the movement for finalizing the federal ERA.

If the Nevada vote for a fully inclusive Equal Rights Amendment to their constitution is a landslide win, it will be a clear indicator to national legislators that gender equality is wildly popular. -- Kate Kelly, VoteEquality Nevada

At VoteEquality, we are working on the ground in collaboration with local grassroots Nevadans, including Nevada NOW, GenRatify Nevada, AAUW Nevada, and the Nevadans for Equal Rights coalition, to get their state ERA across the finish line.

A groundswell of support in Nevada will show everyone nationally that EQUALITY matters. Head to and check out our Take Action pages. You can postcardphone bank, host a speaker, and support Kate Kelly and the Radical Vote Getter by filling the tank.

Join the call every Tuesday 8pm EST ( through November 15. 

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