

Ordinance imposing a 1% sales and use tax in Richland County
Position In Brief: 

The LWV of the Columbia Area supports the ordinance imposing a 1% sales and use tax, within Richland County, to finance the costs of county transportation-related projects.

Position History: 

This position was adopted and approved by the Board of Directors in September, 2012 The 1% sales tax referendum was passed by the voters of Richland County in November, 2012. 

The LWV of the Columbia Area supports the ordinance to levy and impose a 1% sales and use tax, within Richland County, to finance the costs of county transportation-related projects, including mass transit systems, highways, roads, greenways, bike paths, and sidewalks.

The LWV of Columbia also supports the issuance by Richland County of general obligation bonds not to exceed $450 million, payable from the 1% sales and use tax, to fund the county transportation-related projects. 

League to which this content belongs: 
Columbia Area