Shandon United Methodist Church will host 4 events on the topic of Racial Realities and Responses in SC and the United Methodist Church on Sundays from 9:45am - 10:45am.
JULY 18: Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe will discuss how racial injustices are being addressed
by the UMC in the US and around the world.
JULY 25: Rev. Charles Johnson will discuss the African-American experience in South
Carolina Methodism and lead us in reflecting on how far we've come and how far we still
have to go.
AUGUST 1: Lynn Teague will discuss Voting Rights and What's Happening Now in SC and
provide a civil and constructive, non-confrontational summary of the voting rights legislation
which is pending in the SC legislature.
AUGUST 8: Lawrence Nathaniel will be speaking to expand our understanding of what
Black Lives Matter is and isn't, and will bring us into the current initiatives and perspectives
being taken up by the movement.
All are welcome. Participation is in-person and via Zoom. No advanced registration is required to attend in-person. If you would like the Zoom invitation or the Zoom recordings following the event, please register at the link below.