First Tuesday: Advocacy at the General Assembly, Feb 1

First Tuesday: Advocacy at the General Assembly, Feb 1


Zoom: Meeting ID 823 5379 8050, password 491441
Tuesday, February 1, 2022 - 11:45am

Denise Harrington, State LWV Advocacy Chair, will update us on the League’s lobbying in the 2022 General Assembly on our priority issues. 

Voting rights: The League’s top issues are of importance to all of us, such as removing the witness requirement for mail-in ballots. Removing this requirement would allow those living in retirement communities such as Warm Hearth or isolating due to COVID or other health issues to vote safely.  

School funding: Other priorities include opposition to diverting money from our public schools to fund vouchers and tax credits for private schools, campaign finance reform, and automatic restoration of returning citizen’s right to vote after serving a prison sentence. 

Our First Tuesday starts at 11:45 with a short update on local League activities and then the talk by Denise Harrington. 

The League of Women Voters is one of the most active voices for good government each year in the General Assembly.  This year, Denise is coordinating several Issues Groups who are monitoring House and Senate Committee meetings, where much of the action happens to either pass or bury important legislation.  

You will hear about the status of current bills and learn how you can be most effective in reaching out to and lobbying our state legislators on important issues. 

Issues referenced by this event: