Tax-exempt property in Montgomery County: Interactive map (2019)

Tax-exempt property in Montgomery County: Interactive map (2019)

Tax-exempt property in Montgomery County: Interactive map

Some preliminary research on the tax base in Montgomery County has been completed. Much of the property is tax exempt because it belongs to charitable, religious, or educational organizations or is national forest property. Because so much property in Montgomery County is tax exempt, the source of income for public schools and other county services falls significantly on residential taxes.

An interactive map prepared by the county shows tax-exempt parcels in Montgomery County and the type of exemption (for example, charitable, educational). Click on the map in the upper left corner of the "tax exempt property" site to launch the application. Use the legend at the right side of the screen to determine the type of exemption. Click on a parcel to learn the owner of the property. Double click on the map to expand the view.
