Each year our League identifies its priorities for the coming year, to be confirmed at the Annual Meeting of members. At the same time, we also provide input for the same kind of prioritizing at other levels of the League, which is then considered at those conventions -- this year we will have a California Convention, so we need to suggest priorities for the state League for the next two years.
During our meeting we will review what we have been working on at all levels of League, which issues will be continuing priorities and whether there are changes to be made (is a prior issue less urgent now? what is on the horizon that we need to prepare for? should we narrow or expand our focus on an issue we've been tackling?) Please read these four proposed concurrence items on this website prior to the meeting! You may find that another League has already done the work on an issue you would like to propose:
- Criminal Justice
- Civil Discourse (read the proposal letter, and then the proposed position)
- Representation/Election Process
- Homelessness
Whether it is Making Democracy Work across the country, reconsidering the state healthcare system, or addressing affordable housing at the local level, there is work for us to do. This meeting is where we do the important planning that will help us make the most efficient and effective use of our resources, particularly the energy and time of our members. Come and make your voice heard as we make these decisions!
Please Note: The meeting will be held in the Sequoia Room at the south end of the Community Center next to the office. However, we cannot have food in that room. Refreshments will be available prior to the meeting and at break time in the League office.