

We support the need for a four-year upper and lower division university with degree programs responsive to the needs in Ventura County.
Position In Brief: 

The League of Women Voters of Ventura County supports the need for a four-year upper and lower division university that offers Bachelors and Masters Degrees in proficiency needed in Ventura County (1989).

Position History: 

2004 Toured new campus of California State University Channel Islands.
1998 Toured campus under construction of California State University Channel Islands.
1991 Requested resolutions from local city councils to support development of a state university at any of the three sites under consideration.
1990 Commended California State University systems, Environmental Impact Planning Associates and members of CSU Ventura Site EIR Committee for efforts to locate suitable sites for a public university in Ventura County.
         Notified Chancellor of California State University of League consensus on need for higher education in Ventura County; supported information in a comprehensive EIR on several University sites; urged better communications between the university system and the public.

Social Policy Position

Education - Background

The purpose of this 1989 League study was to determine the need for a full-scale university in Ventura County. The California State University system was proposing to increase the services offered by CSU-Northridge by establishing and building a four-year university in the western portion of Ventura County. The existing services in Ventura were limited and were housed in rented office space.

The study affirmed that there were many in Ventura County who could meet state university requirements but who could not afford the cost of education elsewhere or whose education would be delayed by the existing shortage of facilities. There were others whose values or finances required them to stay with their families.

League members agreed that a university would provide the basis for long-term economic, social and cultural growth in the community, that it would educate a labor force to meet local needs and offer cultural enhancement.

League members further agreed that they wanted to support controls which would mitigate adverse effects on the environment. They supported increasing the services of the CSU Northridge branch in Ventura immediately, moving toward a four-year county-based state university and considering the possibility that doctoral programs may be needed in the future.

League to which this content belongs: 
Ventura County