- Inform the Leadership of the Government Administration & Elections (GAE) Committee that you want them to bring Raised SB 431, An Act Concerning Referenda, Independent Expenditures and Certain Other Political Spending to a vote.
- Urge your legislators to support the measure when it comes to the floor this month. The Legislative session ends in less than 30 days.
Protecting the integrity of our electoral processes is the most basic of the League’s priorities. To this end, protection against foreign interference in any aspect of our elections is critical.
This bill includes a ban on contributions and expenditures by foreign nationals on referendum questions, applying the same limitations against foreign interference in referendum measures that are already in place for other elections.
The measure is particularly urgent in anticipation of Early Voting Referendum question that will appear on this year’s November ballot.
The GAE committee issued a joint favorable report on Rasied SB 431 last week following hearings on March 18 in which the League testified in favor of this bill. It has been referred to the Legislative Commissioners' Office. Now it needs a push to get onto the schedule of the full assembly, and thereafter a vote to get it over the finish line.
Please write or call the GAE Leadership now.
Find out who represents you here and use our GAE Committee List or the LWVCT Directory of Elected Officials to find their email address.
FIRST fillable email to GAE Committee Leadership (use the GAE Committee List to find their email addresses):
The people of Connecticut want Early Voting. New York voters wanted it too, but special interests bombarded them with anti-Early Voting messages in 2021 and the referendum failed.
[Or insert your own message]
It is critical that RSB 431 pass before the November 2022 election when the Early Voting Referendum Question will be on the ballot; the great majority of Connecticut voters want it to pass.
I urge you to move promptly to bring SB 431 An Act Concerning Referenda, Independent Expenditures and Certain Other Political Spending to the floor for a vote.
Thank you,
SECOND fillable email to your legislator
Find out who represents you here and use our GAE Committee List or the LWVCT Directory of Elected Officials to find their email address: