Time Range For Action Alert:
May 02 2024 to May 06 2024The Problem
The League of Women Voters of Connecticut has worked in conjunction with other voters’ rights groups for over a decade to garner both the legislature’s and voters’ approval of Early Voting in Connecticut. The Governor himself said that this would “improve the ability of voters to cast their ballots and enable more people to participate in our democracy.” However, without funding to the municipalities to implement it, early voting will not deliver on it's promise to provide access to the polls.
What needs to happen:
Time is short. With the Legislative session closing on May 8, we need Speaker of the House Matt Ritter to push for Early Voting funding today.
Tell Speaker Matt Ritter to fund Early Voting!
- Call or email Speaker of the House Matt Ritter (his phone number: 860-240-8500) today to ask for funding for education and implementation for Early Voting, this was promised last year and is essential to the success of early voting. Feel free to leave a message and if you want to email, contact him at matthew.ritter [at] cga.ct.gov.
Email template or call script to adapt
Remember to 'cc' advocacy [at] lwvct.org when you send your email.
Subject: Funding for Early Voting
Dear Speaker Ritter:
I am writing to you in urge you to prioritize funding for Early Voting that was promised last year and is essential to it's successful rollout.
We know that last year the Governor and the representatives who worked to pass this legislation said they were sure that the government would provide the funding needed to make sure that early voting was implemented appropriately. The Governor said “We are partners with our municipalities and we are doing our part as well.” Providing no funding for early voting does not allow for a path for success and greatly dims the promise that the state has made to its voters.
Thank you,
[Your Full Name]
[Your City]