Connecticut Census Update: Timeline Adjustments Due to COVID-19

Connecticut Census Update: Timeline Adjustments Due to COVID-19

Image of Connecticut Census Self-Response Map for July 22 2020

July 2020

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Census Bureau has adjusted its timeline for census data collection, moving everything back by about four months.   For the adjusted timeline and more information, visit our page: Census 2020.

Starting July 16, 2020, census takers began interviewing households that have yet to respond to the 2020 Census in regions managed by the area census offices. Hartford's Census office was scheduled to begin July 20, 2020.  To find out more CLICK HERE.

How is Connecticut doing?

As of July 22, 2020, Connecticut's self-response rate was higher than the national rate, at 65.8%, with Fairfield County at 65.6%, Hartford County at 76.3%, Litchfield County at 63.9%, Middlesex County at 68.4%, New Haven County at 63.6%, New London County at 66.6%, Tolland County at 71.2%, and Windham County at 62.9%.

Notable gaps exist between cities, with the highest rate of self-reporting in Milford at 74.2%, and the cities of Bridgeport, Hartford, New Haven, Waterbury at a 50% or lower self-response rate.

Why is the Census so important?

Each 10 years, since the first Census in 1790, every person living in the United States and its territories is counted. The decennial census count determines:

  • The number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives;
  • Legislative districts at the federal, state, and local levels;
  • More than $10 billion/year in federal funding for Connecticut alone;
  • Planning for roads, water systems, fire departments, hospitals, schools, nonprofits, businesses, and countless other purposes for the next 10 years.
  • For more information about the 2020 Census, visit or (en español)

     It's Easy: Respond to the Census online TODAY!

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