Rally to End Prison Gerrymandering with NAACP and ACLU

Rally to End Prison Gerrymandering with NAACP and ACLU

LWVUS Redistricting Watch Blog Banner: I will Fight for Fair Maps Because I am Against Prison Gerrymandering


Connecticut Capitol
210 Capitol Ave
Hartford Connecticut 06106
Connecticut US
Wednesday, April 28, 2021 - 11:00am to Thursday, April 29, 2021 - 10:45am

Join Patricia Ross, the LWVCT Representative for the People Powered Fair Maps campaign at this rally sponsored by the NAACP of CT & ACLU of Connecticut

Come out to support SB753, a bill to end  #PrisonGerrymandering in Connecticut. We will meeton the north side of the Connecticut Capitol next Wednesday, April 28 at 11:00 AM.

Read more about LWVCT's work to end this practice and ensure #PeoplePoweredFairMaps in this blog post written by Patricia Rossi:

I Will Fight for Fair Maps Because I'm Against Prison Gerrymandering



Contact Information
Patricia Rossi
lwvct [at] lwvct.org