From 2020 Census Outreach to Promoting A Fair and Transparent Redistricting Process in 2021 and Beyond
Connecticut passed their new state House and Senate district plans in November 2021. Each passed unanimously in their 9-person bipartisan Reapportionment Commission; however, the process has been criticized for legislators controlling the process and for the negotiations that serve to protect incumbents. The League of Women Voters of Connecticut asked Kyle Evans of Trinity College and Catherine T. Chang of the University of Washington to provide analyses of the new maps. The full report is now available HERE.
In 2019, the League of Women Voters launched People Powered Fair Maps™ to end discriminatory gerrymandering, the practice of drawing electoral maps for political gain. The goal: to create fair and transparent, people-powered redistricting processes nationwide and to eliminate partisan and racial gerrymandering.
As a participant in People Powered Fair Maps™, the League of Women Voters of Connecticut focused on the need for transparency, public involvement, and nonpartisanship in the 2021 redistricting process.
We want districts to be drawn fairly - in a way that allow the voters to choose their representatives. Not the other way around. Ideally, drawing fair maps in Connecticut would mean:
An end to redistricting BY representatives FOR representatives
A nonpartisan commission in charge of redistricting
Connecticut voters providing oversight and input throughout the entire process
Congressional districts and government legislative bodies should be apportioned substantially on population. We oppose partisan and racial gerrymandering that strips rights away from voters.