

The League of Women Voters of Connecticut supports government officials and employees being held accountable for carrying out their duties in an effective and ethically-responsible manner.
Position History: 

Adopted 2004, affirmed 2015.


The League of Women Voters of Connecticut believes that the public should have confidence in the integrity of its government. Government officials and employees should be held accountable for carrying out their duties in both an effective and an ethically responsible manner. To these ends, the LWVCT supports actions to:

  • Reform, strengthen, and clarify Connecticut's codes of ethics as they apply to public officials, public employees, and lobbyists.
  • Ensure the existence of strong, effective, independent watchdog agencies, such as the State Ethics Commission, Freedom of Information Commission, and the State Elections Enforcement Commission; support the allocation of resources necessary for these commissions to fulfill their responsibilities.
  • Require a transparent, competitive, and clearly defined state contract selection process.
  • Promote the establishment of municipal ethics commissions and municipal ethics codes as applied to municipal public officials, municipal public employees, and municipal lobbyists.

For more information on this position, see page 28 of Government - Impact on Issues 2017.

League to which this content belongs: 