Primaries and Parties

Primaries and Parties

The League of Women Voters of Connecticut urges all political parties to make their process more accessible to the public.
Position History: 

Adopted 1983; affirmed in 2014 with update


The League of Women Voters of Connecticut urges all political parties to make their process more accessible to the public.

We believe that:

  •  only enrolled party members should be eligible to participate in their party's nominating processes but urge the parties to take steps to promote greater participation by members in primary voting and in the process of selecting their candidates;

  • requirements for the placement of petitioning or minor party candidates on the ballot should not be made more restrictive than at present.

Carol Reimers' Letter to Governor Lamont Concerning Primaries and Other Election Concerns (April 1, 2020)

See pages 39-41 in link below for Primaries and Parties Background and Action from 2004-2017

Impact on Issues: Government Background

League to which this content belongs: 