Kent County, Delaware Subscribed Articles

Kent County, Delaware Subscribed Articles

Public Statement

The Black Voters Matter, and Naeva (formerly known as Native American Voters Alliance) moved today to intervene on behalf of voters in a lawsuit. 

Public Statement

The following is a joint statement from LWVUS CEO Celina Stewart and LWV Florida co-presidents Cecilie Scoon and Debbie Chandler. 

Public Statement

For democracy to truly work, we must make space for all Americans — whether they were born in this country or made it their home via immigration — to be included and respected.

Public Statement

For democracy to truly work, we must make space for all Americans — whether they were born in this country or made it their home via immigration — to be included and respected.

Blog Post

As we discuss the destructive impacts this has on the lives of those who seek reproductive health care, it is important to not gloss over how these attacks disproportionately affect women of color. This blog will focus on the Latino/a community.

Blog Post

Compete to be the first to get "BINGO" while watching the presidential candidate debates!

Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of Pennsylvania applauds today’s landmark decision by the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court in favor of the League of Women Voters of PA, and other nonpartisan community organizations, which will put an end to the disqualification of mail-in ballots for inconsequential date errors on the declaration envelope.

Blog Post

The 2024 federal election is a critical moment in the fight for our equality, as the people we elect in November will be in charge of our rights for the next four years

We've identified five unique ways you can empower women voters and our allies to make our voices heard!

Public Statement

WASHINGTON  — The League of Women Voters of the United States partnered with the Broadway musical Suffs in recognition of Women’s Equality Day, the day commemorating the adoption of the nineteenth amendment to the United States Constitution in 1920, which gave some women the right to vote. 

Public Statement

The League of Women Voters of the United States and the League of Women Voters of Mississippi, along with the Mississippi Center for Justice, One Voice, Mississippi Votes, the Mississippi State Conference of the NAACP, Black Voters Matter, the Mississippi Poor People’s Campaign, the Reaching and Educating for Community Hope (RECH) Foundation, Strong Arms of Mississippi, the Mississippi Prison Reform Coalition, the People’s Advocacy Institute (PAI), and the Legal Defense Fund (LDF) released the following statement after the US Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in Hopkins v. Watson overturned its earlier decision that declared Mississippi’s lifetime felony voting ban was unconstitutional.
