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Equality is Essential for Democracy to Work

Equality is Essential for Democracy to Work

Equality is Essential for Democracy to Work

Why Vote411

What Do You VOTE411?

Voter education and empowerment are critical components of our mission.

What Do You VOTE411?
clean water act

Delaware Clean Water Act, HB200

Governor John Carney, LWV Environment & Natural Resources Chair Charlie Garlow, and Representative Longhurst celebrating the passage of the DE Clean Water Act, HB200, in Lewes DE 2022.

Clean Water Act
MLK Event

Martin Luther King Day 2023

The 2023 Annual Banquet was held on Saturday, January 14th, 2023. In attendance included Lt. Governor Bethany Long Hall, Rep. Ruth Briggs King and Stell Parker Selby, to name a few. Gwendolyn Miller represented the LWVDE.

Celebrating MLK Day in Delaware
African Women Group

Reaching Out

Gwendolyn Miller & Letty Diswood spoke to 20 women representing the Student Leaders on Women's Leadership from Sub-Saharan Africa.

bill signing

Bill signing of several environmental-protection bills

Peggy Schutz was front and center at a recent bill signing of several environmental protection bills that the League supported.


A Voice for Citizens - A Force for Change

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government. It influences public policy through education and advocacy.

Membership Fun Raiser at Applebees
Event Date: 
03/06/2025 - 11:30am to 1:00pm
Event location: 

Applebee's in Newark

You’re invited to a LWV NCC Membership Fun-Raiser!
March 6th, 2025  11:30 - 1:00 pm
Applebee’s at 900 Churchman’s Rd, Newark DE

LWVUS Letter to Congress 021425

On 2/14/2025, the 105th anniversary of its founding, the League of Women Voters sent a letter to Congressional leadership regarding the organization's grave concern over the state of our nation.  

Successful Delaware: Healthy, Housed, and Educated (League Days 2024 logo)
Event Date: 
03/03/2025 - 7:00pm
Event location: 


Opportunities for Success through Early Care & Education (ECE) - It’s Not Just about Kids!

Successful Delaware: Healthy, Housed, and Educated (League Days 2024 logo)
Blog Post

Find information, registration links, and video recordings for all four sessions of League Days 2025 here.

Sign-Up button

We are gearing up for our second annual Defending Democracy fundraiser honoring Women's History Month on March 24, 2025, and we need your help! Training will be provided. Read on or go to our SignUp page for more info:

Delaware Legislation Alert HB 140 end-of-life options bill. Graphic includes supportive quote by portfolio chair Judy Butler

LWVDE strongly supports HB 140, the Delaware end-of-life options bill, that passed committee on 1/29/2025 in the DE House. Our Advocacy Corps testimony on the bill is available in this article.

Front page header of the LWVDE This Way to the Voting Booth publication for 2025-2026 is shown

LWVDE's publication This Way to the Voting Booth for 2025-2026 is now available for voters in Delaware. Each election cycle, the League of Wom

Milton Mayoral Forum February 15, 2025

This year's Milton elections featured two candidates vying for the mayoral seat, plus three candidates running to fill two town council seats. The Sussex LWV sponsored a public forum for these candidates on February 15, 2025, in the large meeting room at the Milton Library, from 12-2 pm. The forum was moderated by LWVSCDE member Fern Goodhart and the recording has been posted on the LWVSCDE YouTube channel at this link: We apologize that closed captioning was not available as advertised.