All New Castle County Articles

unconscious bias

The League of Women Voters of Delaware presents a series of discussions on "Diversity Equity Inclusion (DEI) - Unconscious Bias", facilitated by Gwendolyn Miller. Five dates to choose from in March, April and May 2021. Every Delaware League member is encouraged to register for one of these sessions.

COVID-19 Vaccine

For many, it's been a challenge to sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine even when eligible in the current group. The LWVNCC Board of Directors wanted to make sure you have these informational links handy:

President's Message by Marj Johnson
Blog Post

Read LWVNCC President Marj Johnson's message for January 2020 here.

"Civic Bingo" board grid by LWVNCC for January 2021
Blog Post

Hi everyone!  We've all had fun playing "2020 Bingo" this past year, pandemics, zoom meetings, murder hornets and all. Your NCC local League wants to build on that with a more positive Bingo game for January 2021...

Carol Jones, photo by Ross Kruglak

Carol Jones, a long-time member of the League, died on 12/17/20. Her contributions to the league were many and will not be forgotten. Gwendolyn Miller, President of the League of Women Voters of Sussex County, presents this tribute to Carol.

Video Graphic

Here's a roundup of recent videos we've found posted online that feature the League of Women Voters of New Castle County (LWVNCC) or LWVNCC members.

General Election November 3 - How to Vote

As part of its monthly "First Friday" event on Friday October 2nd, 2020, the Delaware Contemporary museum hosted a voting information presentation by LWVDE Voting & Elections Committee members.

The Woman's Suffrage Movement Below the Color Line

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County proudly hosted Syl Woolford for his "Women's Suffrage Below the Color Line" presentation on October 3, 2020. View the presentation video here.

2020 Delaware State Senate NCC Candidate Forum

The League of Women Voters of New Castle County held a virtual candidate forum for state Senate Districts 1, 5, 7 on Thursday. Oct 1. Click the "Read more" link to watch the forum videos.

breaking news
Press Mention

The Delaware River Basin Commission voted Thursday to place on hold a potential port expansion in New Jersey which would create a route for shipping fracking byproduct. LWVDE has serious concerns about the safety implications of
