

Early in the creation of our country, the importance of an educated populace was understood.  For a long time, our League has had an Education Committee that attended school board meetings, stayed abreast of important issues, studied the issues, and advocated for league positions.  Right now, the committee is on pause waiting for new leadership. If you understand the importance of education to our democracy and would like to provide leadership, info [at] (contact Janice)

Mission Statement

Education News clip artWe study issues, take action, and lobby legislators and school boards in our efforts to seek positive changes for our students.

Key Issues

We will be monitoring:

  • Locally approved funding initiatives: ½ cent sales tax, and one-half mill for Children Trust Initiative
  • Local entity program measures, i.e. closing the achievement gap strategies, support for students with disabilities, school climate, student safety, and behavioral program
  • BOOST after-school program board
  • Support for:
    • the elimination of for-profit-charter school management;
    • providing stronger local control over all charter schools (fiscal management and accountability);
    • student admissions and dismissals; and,
    • civil rights enforcement for students with disabilities.

What Can You Do?

Meetings are on pause as we await new leadership. Can you help?


League to which this content belongs: 
Alachua County

All Posts Related to this Committee

Support is Overdue Campaign flyer
Event Date: 
03/03/2025 (All day)

A group of students from the University of Florida has implemented a campaign for EveryLibrary, the only national 501(c)4 political action committee for libraries. EveryLibrary’s mission to support public libraries on election days, stabilize school library budgets, guard against book bans and engage with state legislatures alongside partner organizations. These students have created “Support Is Overdue,” a campaign that is striving to raise awareness for EveryLibrary’s mission and engage a wider audience into library and book activism. The deadline to sign the pledge is Mar. 3! Learn more about the campaign and sign the pledge today!

Support is Overdue Campaign flyer

A group of students from the University of Florida has implemented a campaign for EveryLibrary, the only national 501(c)4 political action committee for libraries. EveryLibrary’s mission to support public libraries on election days, stabilize school library budgets, guard against book bans and engage with state legislatures alongside partner organizations. These students have created “Support Is Overdue,” a campaign that is striving to raise awareness for EveryLibrary’s mission and engage a wider audience into library and book activism. The campaign will run until Mar. 3, and we could use your help!

School kids running into building

This article by League member Sally Butzin appeared in the Tallahassee Democrat. For years, Sally and I have joked about the many choices of Cheerios. There are too many choices! The Florida Voucher System now takes about $3.9 billion from the public schools. We are asking our public schools to do more with less support. There may also be too many choices some of which may not be good ones. The average parent has no way to know because the rules differ for each choice.

School kids running into building

The LWVAC supports continuing support for educational and other services to Alachua County K-12 students and recommends voting YES on this issue. Learn why...

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

On July 29, the Florida Department of Education proposed a change to the rule that governs the charter school conversion ballot process to make it easier to convert public schools to charter schools. The public is encouraged to read and comment on the proposed changed. Comments will be accepted until Aug. 19.

School Board Chair Diyonne McGraw (far left) with teacher/coach Patrick Penny and the Lincoln Middle School team

On April 17, Lincoln Middle School claimed the title to the 2024 Civics Challenge competition, prevailing over five other middle school teams from the Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) system. This year marks the seventh Civics Challenge competition, an event organized and co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters and the Alachua County Public Schools...

School kids running into building

After a group of parents and teachers in Newberry proposed that Newberry Elementary, Oakview Middle, and Newberry High schools be converted to charter schools, a series of informational meetings occurred ahead of the voting from April 5-12, 2024. On April 17, the votes were counted and did not pass at any of the schools. As such, Newberry Elementary School, Oak View Middle School, and Newberry High School ARE NOT eligible to become charters for the 2025-26 school year. There is some uncertainty around one teacher vote at Newberry Elementary that may be contested.

Exclamation point inside a red triangle

Action Alerts

Teachers who began service in Florida on or after July 2011 are not eligible for an annual cost of living adjustment (COLA) on their pensions. Those who retired before July 2011 are. Teacher salaries are low in Florida as are pensions. This year there are two bills in the Florida Legislature, HB 151 and SB 242, that will help fix this problem. Contact your Legislators to support these bills.

NAACP Save Our Schools flyer white and tan text on blue background with group of school children graphic

Action Alerts

Alachua County Branch of the NAACP has issued a Call to Action to Save Our Schools. There is a mass meeting on February 12, 2024, at 6:30 PM at the Dayspring Missionary Baptist Church. NAACP President Foxx requests ALL members respond to this call to action to save our schools. Please share with your friends and family. This is a community concern and we need ALL HANDS ON DECK.

Scene from a library with tables in the foreground and bookshelves in the background

This article was originally posted on the LWV Education website on December 26, 2023, by LWVAC Member, Sue Legg
