President's Message, January 2022

President's Message, January 2022

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Blog Post

January 15, 2022

Dear Members,

I sincerely hope you had a wonderful holiday season filled with family, relaxation, and enjoyment. Now the new year has begun. The legislative session began on the 12th, and it is time to jump back into action as there are so many issues that are of great importance to the League. League is fighting back against anti-voter laws, gerrymandered maps, climate injustice, and attacks on reproductive rights. I hope each of you will choose at least one of these important issues and make the time to have your voice heard by your legislators and fellow citizens.

As you know, at the heart of the League is voter rights. We should all feel very proud of the work the League has done in championing two bills that would bring about national standards to protect voting rights: The Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Take action by telling your Senators to support the acts.

Redistricting is another issue that is of key importance currently. Redistricting impacts how our community will be represented and how resources are distributed. Diane Dimperio, our point person on redistricting, has been writing monthly articles and the Board passed and widely distributed a Resolution requesting that Alachua County be kept intact, not split as it is in some models. To view all the work we have done locally, please visit the redistricting page on our website.

As members, you will receive action alerts during the legislative session from both LWVUS and LWVFL. You will also receive the LWVFL Capitol Report each Friday. Take the time to read and act if requested. The small actions we take may seem unimportant, but when each of us does our part, it adds up to a strong contribution in support of issues we deem important. Thank you for your activism and participation in our democracy.

You also receive the LWVAC calendar on the 1st of each month. Take time to consider the various meetings and make the time to become active in one or more committees. As shared in the Calendar, the runoff candidate forum recordings are now available on our website. If you are a city resident, please be sure to vote in the upcoming city election; it is a very important election.

See you at a League meeting soon!

info [at]

League to which this content belongs: 
Alachua County