June 15, 2022
Dear Members,
Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy. The mission of the League of Women Voters is my mission as the newly elected president of the Alachua County League. I’m happy to join you in that endeavor.
In the first month of my new role, I have been dazzled by the dedication of the Board members, behind-the-scenes tech folks, Elected Directors, and chairs of committees who do the important advocacy for each realm of interest. The Voter Services Committee has their sleeves rolled up to present a virtual candidate forum on June 26 at 1:30 that will later be available on YouTube. They are rolling out VOTE411, a LWV national database that includes local ballot and candidate information. Once our local information is live, make sure you click it; you’ll like it. The Natural Resources Committee, with a dynamic duo of co-chairs, has created specific, achievable goals to make Alachua County a place that lessens our harm to the environment while finding ways to reduce the damage of weather events. If we don’t have a habitable planet, nothing else matters. You may be wondering what other committees might be of interest. Find them here. The Education, Social Justice, or Local Issues Committees might be of interest. No matter your best fit, get involved today.
Unprecedented has become a rather commonplace word, hasn’t it? That’s why local, coordinated, effective advocacy is more important than ever. Join us. Whatever your skills and background, whatever your interests, your shoulders are needed. info [at] lwv-alachua.org (Contact me) to discuss your interests and availability to elevate our community to a higher place through the LWV Alachua County.
info [at] lwv-alachua.org