Debate Watching Tips

Debate Watching Tips


LWV of the United States offers the following tips to help you get the most out of watching a debate:

  • Think Ahead. Before the debate, ask yourself which issues are most important to you, and jot down what you'd like to learn from each of the candidates.
  • Are They Answering the Question? Pay attention to how the candidates answer the questions. Are they specific? Sincere? Knowledgeable?
  • Keep Track of Topics. Are the candidates being asked about your priority issues? Are the questions fair and pertinent?
  • Talk it out! Afterwards, talk about the debate with your friends and family. Did the debate sway your decision? Did you learn something new about the candidates' positions?
  • VOTE. It is your best opportunity to make your voice heard and help shape the issues that affect all of us!


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