League Program

League Program


League Program

Program planning is the grassroots process of recommending and selecting governmental issues for study and agreement in reaching a position.

Our 2024-2025 Program focuses on:

  • Providing voter information, voter registration, and voter engagement activities
  • Supporting the new Town Meeting study committee (voted at Town Meeting 2024)
  • Encouraging and facilitating voter engagement in local and state elections
  • Renewing our focus on the School Committees in Concord and the regional school system
  • Continuing our support for Civics Education
  • Our work in other areas will continue and provide opportunities for collaboration between our committees and with Town activities. Including: Expansion at Hanscom, Housing Issues, DEIB, sustainability and climate change (particular focus on PFAs, electric buses, and artificial turf), education on immigration, Town and School budgets, transportation, and the progress of MCI-Concord redevelopment.

PDF icon 2023 League Program

League to which this content belongs: 