NewsThe League of Women Voters has three separate and distinct roles.
- Voter Service/Citizen Education: LWV presents unbiased non-partisan information about elections, the voting process, government, and issues.
- Study: LWV studies issues and is non-partisan in studying issues.
- Action/Advocacy: LWV becomes partisan in Action/Advocacy after determining the will of its members through study and consensus.
LWVCC voter service and citizen education activities are funded from the League of Women Voters of Massachusetts Scharfman Education Fund, which is a 501(c)(3) corporation, a nonprofit educational organization. The League of Women Voters, a membership organization, conducts action and advocacy and is a nonprofit 501(c)(4) corporation.
LWVCC members are also members of The League of Women Voters of Massachusetts, and The League of Women Voters of the United States.
Our By-laws and Key Policies
LWVCC operates under
By-Laws adopted May 20, 1947, and most recently amended in June 2023.

Under the
Non-Partisan Policy, the LWVCC does not support or oppose any political party or candidate — essential to the effectiveness of its voter service and citizen education work and providing a solid foundation for its work on issues. The LWVCC may take action on governmental measures and policies in accordance with its positions.

LWVCC's Policy on Candidate Forums and Debates extends the principles of the Nonpartisan Policy to guide these opportunities to promote interest in the election, provide a fair forum for candidates, prepare voters to cast informed ballots, and give voters an opportunity to judge candidates' character and relevant knowledge and skills, and document candidates' statements on their positions.
LWVCC’s Policy on Who Can Speak for the League -- The LWVCC has adopted a Policy on Who Can Speak for the League. The LWVCC advocates its positions through the voice of its Board and its Committees. This policy covers all official communications of positions, advocacy, and concerns to local government officials and committees, and at local government meetings including Town Meeting.
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