Study of Initiative and Referendum Process-Consensus Meetings, January 16, 9:30 am and 7 pm
This is your opportunity to be part of a statewide League consensus on Massachusetts’ initiative and referendum process. And after the 16th. The last LWVMA Convention adopted a study of the initiative and referendum process in Massachusetts. A study committee was formed and extensive research was conducted and study materials prepared. The scope of the study is to review the Massachusetts laws and regulations that govern statewide citizen-initiated ballot questions (initiative and referendum process); consider the consequences of current laws and regulations, and propose concrete next steps that LWVMA could take to enact change if the study results in recommended change.
LWVCC will be conducting two consensus meetings on January 16th at 9:30 am and 7 pm to enable our League to participate in the consensus process. To prepare for these meetings, go to LWVMA Study page where you will find a wide range of materials, including a Study Guide with Consensus Questions, a Study Report, and a Webinar.
Please join us at one of the meetings for one of the most interesting and important aspects of League membership. For more information please contact communications [at]