Get Involved

Get Involved


Volunteers Needed

We are looking for help in gettiing the word out about our ODC events. You can be a LWVODC Communications Ambassador (CCA) with only a few minutes of your time. We are looking for members who can post ODC events to their extended NextDoor neighborhoods or belong to a community email  server. Idealy, we would like to cover as many communities in Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties as possible. When an ODC event is open to the public, all "Communications Ambassadors" will receive an email with the pre-formatted event announcemtnn that can be emailed to community residents. Please sign up here if you are interested.

Orange, Durham, and Chatham County BOE meetings are open to the public, and Boards are pleased to have LWVODC observers. You will learn a great deal about how the Board does its work of making elections fair, secure, and accessible. Developing an ongoing relationship between the local Board and the out league is a excellent foundation for substantive two-way communication. If you are interested, please contact lwvodc1 [at]

  • Membership Calls

Do you enjoy talking with people on the phone? If so, this volunteer opportunity is just right for you. Call new members and welcome them to the League! League background information, information on future League meetings, and a short membership questionnaire to obtain member background and interest will be provided to you to use when talking with new members. If interested, please contact us at lwvodc1 [at]

  • Program Planning Team 

Do you want to work with some terrific league members to brainstorm and plan activities and presentations about voting, education, or redistricting, or topics relevant to our three counties? Are you full of ideas and willing to help organize? We need your help to put together events for ODC. If you have an interest in coordinating, moderating or just helping out with event planning, please contact us at  lwvodc1 [at]

  • Public Education Action Team 

We continuously seeks new members to attend our meetings and/or join our team. Our team is looking for volunteers to help with writing letters to the editor and developing other outreach material. Please contact Zena Alman

  • Voter Education for Groups/Organizations 

Help us get connected to your groups/organizations (faith based, community, special interest, etc.). The Voter Services Team will provide video presentations and Q/A sessions on current voting laws, procedures, election schedules, as well as a VOTE411 voter guide. Connect us with your group, and we'll do the rest! If you wish more information, please contact us at lwvodc1 [at]