LWVRI - Providence

LWVRI - Providence

The League of Women Voters Providence serves the city of Providence and the surrounding area. It is one of the oldest Leagues in the country. It was chartered in 1919, very shortly after the League of Women Voters was created as a division of the National American Women Suffrage Association at the NAWSA convention in St. Louis, MO March 1919.

Besides holding our own Conversation series and the Lippitt House Discussions, the Providence League is actively pursuing improved funding for Public Libraries and monitoring School Building Repairs. In addition, we would like to start an Education Observer Corps. The Providence School Board meets the second Wednesday of the month. If interested, contact Liz Head emhead603 [at] hotmail.com.

Committee Contact
Contact Name: 
Liz Head
League to which this content belongs: 
Rhode Island

All Posts Related to this Committee

Providence logo
Blog Post

In late November 2024, Providence’s new Comprehensive Plan was approved by the City Council and signed by Mayor Smiley.

Providence logo
Event Date: 
05/07/2025 - 10:30am
Event location: 

Zoom Meeting/In-person

The Providence League leadership works as a loosely organized group rather than as a formal board and meets on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months at 10 a.m.

Providence logo
Event Date: 
03/05/2025 - 10:30am
Event location: 

Zoom Meeting/In-person

The Providence League leadership works as a loosely organized group rather than as a formal board and meets on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months at 10 a.m.

Providence logo
Event Date: 
01/08/2025 - 10:00am
Event location: 

Zoom Meeting/In-person

The Providence League leadership works as a loosely organized group rather than as a formal board and meets on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months at 10 a.m.

Providence logo
Event Date: 
11/06/2024 - 10:30am
Event location: 

Zoom Meeting/In-person

The Providence League leadership works as a loosely organized group rather than as a formal board and meets on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months at 10 a.m.

Providence logo
Event Date: 
09/04/2024 - 10:30am
Event location: 

Zoom Meeting/In-person

The Providence League leadership works as a loosely organized group rather than as a formal board and meets on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months at 10 a.m.

Logo for 2024 Lippitt House Museum Conversations w/LWV Providence

Lippitt House Museum, the Providence League of Women Voters, and the African Alliance of Rhode Island partnered on two in-person community discussions on March12 & 19 about civic life for immigrants in Rhode Island. The “Immigration, Belonging & Civic Participation Community Conversation” series was part of Rhode Island Civic Learning Week.

Logo for 2024 Lippitt House Museum Conversations w/LWV Providence

PROVIDENCE, RI — The 9th Annual Community Discussion Series at Lippitt House Museum looks at Immigration, Belonging and Civic Participation March 12 and 19.

Providence logo
Event Date: 
05/01/2024 - 10:00am
Event location: 

Zoom Meeting/In-person

The Providence League leadership works as a loosely organized group rather than as a formal board and meets on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months at 10 a.m.

Providence logo
Event Date: 
03/06/2024 - 9:30am
Event location: 

Zoom Meeting/In-person

The Providence League leadership works as a loosely organized group rather than as a formal board and meets on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months at 10 a.m.
