LWVAC Provides Voter Education Tool VOTE411

LWVAC Provides Voter Education Tool VOTE411

VOTE411 text over image of protest with "Voting is People Power" sign
July 14, 2024
By Gwen Wagner

LWV of Alachua County
Voter Services VOTE411 Coordinator

LWV Alachua County is excited to again bring you the nonpartisan election resource VOTE411.org in time for the Aug. 20 primary and Gainesville city elections.

Launched by the national League of Women Voters Education Fund in 2006, this “one-stop shop” for election information has simple, accessible tools to help voters navigate the voting process.

VOTE411.org is a comprehensive online resource that includes candidate information, election dates, early voting details and more. You might use it to check your registration status or the type of identification you’ll need to bring with you. But type in your home address* and VOTE411.org tailors itself to you, displaying information you need to ensure you know who’s running in local races and their stance — in their own words — on important local issues.

VOTE411.org helps millions each year — many of them young people and first-time voters — learn more about the voting process. The polling-place locator is among the site’s most-used features.

VOTE411 logo and list of items you can do with VOTE411

The League of Women Voters of Alachua County encourages voters to visit VOTE411.org as they prepare to cast votes in the Aug. 20 primary and Gainesville city elections.

Florida’s primary elections and the City of Gainesville Commission elections are on August 20, 2024. The deadline to register to vote or update your voter registration is July 22, 2024.

To watch recordings of the local primary and city election candidate forums, visit the LWV of Alachua County YouTube channel.

Please share this resource with all your family, friends, and neighbors.

QR Code for VOTE411 linked to LWVAC

Scan the QR code with your smartphone camera to open VOTE411.org.

*Your address will never be saved, sold or used for marketing purposes, but if you do not want to share your address, scroll to the box that says "View All Races or Candidates," select one and then select "Florida" from the list of states. 


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

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Alachua County