For months, our League team has been creating and printing Get Out the Vote (GOTV) handouts for the public. They are beautiful.
Now is when you come in!
We have thousands of handouts to broadly distribute throughout Alachua County. We need you to pick them up at Janice’s front porch and distribute them to neighborhood associations, bridge clubs, pickleball teams, gym friends, churches, book clubs, gardening groups and wherever you go, whatever you do. Also, there are places of business that might be willing to have them on a counter. The Vine Bakery has always welcomed League literature, for example.
Each handout has a QR code that will link the reader to several websites including how to register to vote, join the League, and, most importantly, a link to our VOTE411 voter guide where each person’s ballot choices can be found. VOTE411 also has candidate answers to questions posed by the League membership. And the League’s position on upcoming referendums is available. It’s a beautiful site – see it for yourself.
Florida's Primary and Gainesville's City elections are August 20. People are completing their mail-in ballots now. Let’s inform voters through an outpouring of League materials and sending them to VOTE411.org for information on their ballot choices!
info [at] lwv-alachua.org (subject: Election%20Information%20Outpouring) (Contact Janice) to pick up materials. Use the subject line: Election Information Outpouring.