The Southeastern Connecticut League of Women Voters covers the towns of Baltic, Centerbrook, Chester,Clinton, East Haddam, East Lyme, Deep River, Gales Ferry, Groton, Ivoryton, Lebanon, Ledyard, Lyme, Mystic, New London, Oakdale, Old Lyme, Pawcatuck, Preston, Stonington, Waterford, and Westbrook.
Join the LWV Southeastern CT!
Please fill out the online new member application by clicking here.
Membership Dues:
- Individual members: $75 per year is the recommended amount, or pay what you can ($20 minimum).
- You can add a second member ($150 total for both recommended, $40 for both minimum), but they each will need to provide a unique email address.
- Life members: In appreciation of their dedication to democracy, Life Members (members for more than 50 years) are exempt from membership dues.
To join and pay your dues by check:
Print and complete this membership form. (Please include the name and email address of any additional household member included in the dues amount.)
Please make your dues check payable to: LWVUS.
Mail your check and membership form to:
c/o Treasurer Anne Hefter
53 Cove Road
Lyme, CT 06371
Dues include SECT, CT, and US League registration. No one excluded due to finances, please email membership.sect [at] lwvct.org for assistance. Dues/donations are not tax deductible.
Please note that membership dues and contributions to LWVSECT are not deductible as charitable contributions for tax purposes. The League of Women Voters Southeastern Connecticut does not deny membership or participation due to lack of funds. Dues include LWVSECT, LWVCT, and LWVUS membership. Please contact our Membership Chair if fee assistance is needed:
The 2025 LWVSECT Student Civic Engagement Award
Criteria and format:
Create three (3), one (1) minute videos in vertical format (portrait). Each individual video should cover one of the following themes:
- History of voting rights in the US. Be sure to include historical challenges to these rights. (one, one- minute video).
- Why vote: what issues are important to you and your peers? You may choose one issue (or more) but explain how that issue can be addressed through voting. (One, one-minute video).
- How to vote in CT: review laws (especially recent changes) and opportunities. (One, one-minute video).
One award of up to $1,000.00 will be awarded and the winner(s) will be honored at the LWVSECT Annual Banquet on June 5, 2025 (location TBA).
● Grade 9-12 students currently enrolled in SECT high schools are eligible
● Submit a completed scholarship application form
● Attest that the submission is completely original
● Winning entries consent to be published on social media and the
LWVSECT web page HERE.
The rubric for judging entries includes clarity, critical and original thought, evidence and elaboration, flow of thought, vocabulary, grammar, and tone
Deadline: Entries must be received by April 1, 2025 at midnight.
Awarding Body: The LWVSECT Student Civic Engagement Award(s) will be selected by a Student Engagement Committee composed of current members of the LWVSECT. Questions may be directed to the program committee chair vivianfzoe [at] gmail.com
Award recipient(s) will be notified by the Award Committee via email by May 20, 2025.

CT SUN team and LWVSECT during voter registrations at their games.
An informative presentation explaining Ranked Choice Voting was held on March 16th. Jonathan Perloe, Voter Choice CT, shared his expertise as cofounder of this citizen led movement to bring this must-have election reform to our state.
This event was co-sponsored with LWV of Hamden/North Haven, LWV of New Haven and LWV of the East Shore.
How Town Wide Composting Cuts Solid Waste In Landfills
A presentation about commercial composting given by David Aldridge, executive director of the Southeastern Connecticut Regional Resource Recovery Authority (SCRRRA), who has conducted a pilot in the Town of Stonington. The larger issue this falls under is CT's solid waste problem - about 30 or more percent is organic and could be composted. This presentation was held on August 18, 2022.
See LWVSECT Featured on the Jumbotron at the WNBA CT Sun Games!
On December 13th 2020, the LWV of SECT entered a float in the Niantic Light Parade. The float exuberantly celebrated the Centennial of the passage of the 19th Amemdment. It featured a mural of the nation's Capitol building, a mannequin dressed in white, sporting League logo clothing, a purple, gold, and white banner, a voting booth, and a lit banner that read: 1920: Votes for Women. A banner on the lead truck read: "Join Us: League of Women Voters". The float was enjoyed by thousands of viewers, who cheered our efforts. We hope it sparked conversations within families about the history of voting and of its continued importance. Contributors included Irene and Mickey Weiss, Kim and Hugh Blake, Cristina Negron, Lee Toth, Barbara Rutigliano, Susan Campbell, Debbie Dixon, Cate Steel, and Joanne Moore. Pictured are Cristina Negron, Kim Blake, and Joanne Moore, and our mannequin, whom we call Alice.
Irene Weiss and Joanne Moore get ready for Candidates events. Keep an eye out for our 2022 events coming up this Fall.
For Voter Updates: Join the LWVCT mailing list
Our Leadership Team:
- President: Sandra Laub (Pawcatuck)
- Vice President: Kim Blake (New London)
- Secretary: Anne Schmidt (Mystic/Groton)
- Treasurer: Anne Hefter (Lyme)
- Vote411: Anne Schmidt (Mystic/Groton)
- Membership: Kathleen Ruby (Groton)
- Programs: VIvian Zoe (Gales Ferry)
- Debate Manager and Technology: Joanne Moore (East Lyme)
- Directors: Kathy Whealton, Sandra Geaman (East Lyme), Julie Martel
A Note About Membership Dues and Donations:
A portion of each member's dues goes to support League work on the state and the national levels.
Please note that membership dues and contributions to LWVSECT are not deductible as charitable contributions for tax purposes. The League of Women Voters Southeastern Connecticut does not deny membership or participation due to lack of funds.