Blog PostEducation
The Education Committee meets on the second Friday of the month. The next meeting is at the home of Edie Lipinski on September 14 from 9:30 - 11:30.
This year we plan to:
Continue to monitor the CPS and CCRSD finances:
The Education Committee will be meeting with Dr. Hunter and Mr Stanton in late September to continue a collaborative process of communication and support. This will include staying informed about warrant articles that the school committees will be presenting at Town Meeting and learning about the zero based budgeting process that the administration is implementing this year.
Promote Civics education:
The committee will seek out activities and programs to encourage engagement of our young people in the democratic process at the local, state, and national level. We also plan to partner with area schools to sponsor a civics bee.
Education Chair - Edie Lipinski
League to which this content belongs: