LWVCC Annual Meetings

LWVCC Annual Meetings

2023 Program Planning

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2021 LWVCC Annual Meeting

Minutes and results from the LWVCC 2021 Annual Meeting.



2019 LWCCC Annual Meeting

 annual meeting19

On May 29, 2019, the LWVCC members gathered at the Kerem Shalom in Concord for the League’s Annual Meeting. 


After greeting new and old friends around lemonade, iced tea, and sweets, the League listened to LWVMA Executive Director Michelle Kweder explain about the State League’s role and her vision as its “chief listening officer” – “I take this role very seriously,” explained Michelle.  “I have learned that this job involves a big tour of Massachusetts. Different Leagues have different leadership models. The State League is dependent upon the local Leagues.” 

Michelle also noted four objectives for the State League going forward: 1) Remain non-partisan in 2020; 2) Practice diversity, equality, and inclusiveness; 3) Be nimble and recognize your expertise areas; and 4) Move from a voter registration focus to a “get out the vote” focus. She led the audience in a Facebook demonstration, answered questions, and urged the League attendees to develop a culture of philanthropy and to come to the State Convention, which is June 7-8 in Westford, MA.

When the applause died down, President Diane Proctor offered her remarks and conducted the business meeting portion, which included the Credentials Report from Membership Chairman Anne Hayden and the Treasurer’s Report and Budget Report from Stephan Bader, a member of the League’s budget subcommittee. All reports were approved.  Diane praised the League in general for a wonderful year and thanked the outgoing Board members – Ruth Lauer, Maureen Kemeza, and Ingrid Detweiler – and several other members with heartfelt thanks and beautiful snapdragon planters.


Deena Whitfield, Chair of the Nominating Committee, read the nomination report. The League attendees approved proposed slate of officers and the new 2019-2020 Board was presented to the audience, who promptly gave several directions to the new Board.


Julie Rohwein, the new League President, took the guidance, which included comments about the merits of a scholarship program, environmental activism, visibility as a League, the Civics Bee, affordable housing, increasing voter participation, and developing stronger ties with the Town Clerk’s office. Judy Zaunbrecher, Voter Service Chair and candidate for LWVMA Co-President, encouraged the League to encourage other Concord friends to vote in the June 4th Special Election.


Under New Business, Carlisle members Barbara Lewis and Cindy Nock explained their 100th Anniversary-of-Women-Voting-themed costume designs for the upcoming Home Day Parade in Carlisle. Anne Hayden announced the Book Group Author’s talk, A Bicycling Life, on June 19 at the Concord Greene Clubhouse. Launa Zimmaro encouraged all State Convention attendees to vote for a Climate Emergency resolution at the Convention. Julie, seeing there was no further new business, adjourned the meeting.

/Karlen Reed.