LWV Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties, Inc. Subscribed Articles

LWV Orange, Durham and Chatham Counties, Inc. Subscribed Articles


This story was originally published by Public News Service.

Bonnie Miller, president of the League of Women Voters of Arkansas, said the bill appears to be a remedy in search of a problem. Miller pointed out there are real issues related to election security, but voter fraud is not one of them, especially in Arkansas.


This story was originally published by Augusta Free Press.

Two voting-rights groups are urging an end to the baseless rhetoric from the right about election fraud that has targeted poll workers across the country, including in Virginia, where the entire registrar’s office in Buckingham County quit in the face of unfounded allegations from local Republicans.


Adam Ambrogi and Jeanette Senecal discuss ERIC in this guest post for Election Law Blog.

Blog Post

In March 2023, LWV staff met with four women attorneys — Trudy Levy, Katherine Mazzaferri, Cynthia Hill, and Maureen Thornton Syracuse — who pioneered the League’s litigation work between the 1970s and 1990s. The goal was to learn about their experiences litigating alongside Leagues during those critical decades.

Blog Post

Almost 1 million immigrants became naturalized citizens in 2022, expanding the electorate significantly. During that time, 31 League volunteer teams across the country reported attending close to 800 naturalization ceremonies and registering over 37,000 New Americans to participate in our democracy — this represents just a small portion of our 750+ Leagues’ impact. 

Blog Post

Ensuring elections are fair and equitable includes maintaining clean and accurate voter rolls. 

The Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC) is a nonpartisan membership organization comprised of state election officials from around the United States who have chosen to opt into ERIC, and the states that do so make up ERIC's funding. At this time, 26 states and Washington, DC, are members. 

Public Statement

The League of Women of Voters of Tennessee issued the following statement after the Tennessee State Legislature voted to expel two general assembly members. 

Blog Post

Dolores Huerta is a civil rights activist and labor leader who has dedicated her life to fighting for democracy in the United States, both in the government and the workplace. Growing up, she witnessed the struggles of farm workers and saw firsthand the injustices they faced. Her experience motivated her to become an activist and work towards creating a more democratic society. 
