Integrity of The Ballot

Integrity of The Ballot


Most of us over the age of 30 grew up in a country that never questioned anything about our elections. Elections were fair and honestly administered. It was something that we took for granted, just as we take for granted that the sun will rise in the east and spring will eventually follow winter.

However, the environment has markedly changed over the past several years. Many things are now coming under scrutiny. Never before has the integrity of the ballot and the validity of elections been so challenged.

The good news is that the numerous investigations that followed the questioning of our electoral system’s integrity have reaffirmed that our elections are free and fair. It is time for us all to arm ourselves with deeper knowledge of how our elections operate so that we can be assured that our ballot will count, and that the basis of our democracy is secure.

The purpose of this page and downloadable pamphlet is to demonstrate the steps in voting and to present all the safeguards that are in place to insure the integrity of each and every vote.

Ways to Vote

***Register to vote at least 15 days before Election Day!

In Person:

Sign person voting image
Go to your designated precinct and sign in. Receive a personalized card to enable ballot marking device
Go to Ballot Marking Device.

Insert card to start choosing candidates

Make your selections.
Following instructions on each page. Review choices and verify twice when finished. Receive a paper print-out.
Record Vote.

Use scanning machine to scan the paper printout.  Your vote is now recorded.



Mail in image



Request ballot in advance. 
  • Absentee - out of area or unable to go to polls due to illness or disability.
  • MilitaryMail-in - stationed away from permanent address on active duty. 
  • Mail-in - applies to any reason not listed above.
Receive ballot in mail.
  • Personalized barcode on ballot for identification & verification.
  • Follow instructions. MUST be signed & dated on outer envelope.
Return ballot.
  • Return by US Mail or in-person to Elections Office.
  • Cannot be returned in-person by anyone else.
  • Must be received by end of Election Day.

Ballot Security

An overview of the system of checks & balances to protect each vote
In-Person Voting Security:
  • Electronic signature & ID verified with specifically trained & deputized poll  worker.
  • Ballot activated with QR code
  • Ballot counter electronically documents & tabulates votes.
lock for ballot security sectionMail-in/Absentee Security:
  • Ballot received via an application process.
  • Voter identification & verification by
Voting Machine Security:
  • Developed by Unitys/Open/Elect & approved by the State of Pennsylvania.
  • PenetrationTesting,Accuracy&Logic Testing, and Access Control maintains confidentiality, voter anonymity, integrity, availability and audit ability.
  • Voting machines DO NOT connect to the internet. 
Election Results Security:
  • When voting is completed, totals from each machine are collected & delivered by authorized person to central vote counting location.
  • Paper ballots delivered to safe storage area. A Ballot Manifest is prepared (records number of votes & machine from which they originated) Ballots stored for further audit. 
Election Results Security:
  • Each county performs Post Election Audit which checks either:
    • A 2% sample of each paper/computer ballot comparison. 
    • A risk-limiting audit (RLA) to compare random sample of paper ballots to totals reported from ballot-counting machines
  • Official Results released only after Post Election Audit is performed.

Election Officials:

The Director of Elections & County Commissioners are responsible for the Election process

who does what at the polls image

Judge of Elections
  • Position filled during municipal elections every 4 years.
  • Trained, certified, & sworn in. • Ensures fairly and properly conducted election.
  • Keeps control of Polling Place. • Ensures voting equipment is set up properly.
  • Opens and operates polling places from 6:00am to 8:00pm. 
  • Maintains the Campaign Free Zone.
Inspector of Elections
  • Each Precinct has a Majority Inspector & a Minority Inspector.
  • Works with Judge of Elections to manage polling place.
  • Ensures returns are delivered to County Election office at end of Election Day.
  • Keeps track of voters.
Clerks, Poll Workers, Machine Operators
  • Under direction of Judge of Elections & Inspectors.
  • Required to be registered voters.
  • Cannot be government employees or officials.
  • Cannot be on the ballot.
  • Assist voters through each step of the process.
  • Machine inspectors assist in operating voting machines.
  • Each position takes oath of office particular to their duties.
  • Stand outside polling places & represent issue or candidate.
  • Can display signs on grounds of polling place. 
  • Can greet voters but must maintain 10 foot perimeter from entrance of polling place.
  • Cannot obstruct entrance of polling place.
  • Cannot intimidate voters.
Poll Watchers
  • Are registered voters whom obtain a certificate of identification from County Board of Elections.
  • Poll Workers are assigned to precincts. Only 1 per candidate & party and 3 per polling place.
  • Must remain outside area of voting.
  • Can keep list of voters & inspect voting check list.
  • Can challenge the Judge of Elections, but not elector’s identity, residence, or qualifications to vote.
  • May not engage in electioneering, voter intimidation, or interfere with voting process.
  • May be on premise to ensure that no qualified voter is obstructed from being able to vote.

Additional Information:

For personalized voting services like registering to vote,voter registration status, local polling places and more, go to or scan this QR code. 

QR code

For info on voting in Pennsylvania including registration, requesting mail-in ballots, contact info and more go to or scan this QR code. 

  Vote pa QR code

To visit the Lewisburg Area League of Women Voters’ website, go to or scan this QR code.