Facts for Voters

Facts for Voters

About Facts for Voters


Facts for Voters 2024 icon

The LWVLA Facts for Voters is a non-partisan publication that provides residents of Union County with information about voting and their elected officials. It is published once a year, available usually by the end of February. Any updates that occur to this information can be found in the online version. The Facts for Voters for 2024 is published in both an online and printed version. The printed version is available in the libraries, post offices, and some businesses in Union County.
To ACCESS the online version of Facts for Voters click here.


Facts for Voters includes the following information: 

  • Calendar of important dates for the year’s election cycle
  • Information about voting in PA, such as:
    • Redistricting
    • Voting Qualifications
    • Voting Registration
    • What is an absentee ballot?
  • Names and contact information for elected officials at the local, state, and federal levels
  • Meeting times of local municipal bodies/school boards
If you are not able to access the Facts for Voters online, email us at lwvlewisburgarea [at] gmail.com, and we will get a copy to you. If you find this publication helpful, consider joining LWVLA by contacting us at lwvlewisburgarea [at] gmail.com.

Thank You to our Sponsor

The League of Women Voters of the Lewisburg Area wishes to thank our sponsor for the 2024 Facts for Voters.

facts for voters 2024 sponsorship information