Looking in the rearview mirror? Many LWVLA events generate videos or documents which can be accessed and enjoyed after the fact. Some of those are available below.
April 16, 2024
The League's final Educational Forum for the year was a presentaion by the Union County Commissioners, Preston Boop, Jeff Reber and Stacy Ricahrds, with an update on the County's activities and finances. Commissioner Stacy Richard's budget handout is also available for viewing.
February 20, 2024
The League's February Educational Forum featured a talk by Kim Wheeler, Executive Director, SEDA-COG, “What’s Happening in Central PA Economic Development?”. The discussion looked at who is SEDA-COG and what is their mission; what is Economic Development; and what are some goals and initiatives for Central PA. Because the slides in the recorded presentation are not very clear, Ms. Wheeler's presention slides and handouts have been added for viewing.
January 16, 2024
The League's January Educational Forum featured Janet Tomcavage, Chief Nurse Executive for Geisinger, speaking about “What Does Value Based Healthcare Mean and Why Is It So Important?". The discussionon covered current healhcare challenges, explanation of value based healthcare and it's benefits and chanllenges. Because the slides in the recorded presentation are not very clear, you can view Ms. Tomcavage's presention slides here.
December 8, 2023
On December 8, 2023, the League's Educational Forum series presented a Special Current Issue talk, by Thom Travis, “Understanding the Israel-Hamas Conflict”. Thom Travis is Emeritus Professor of International Relations and Political Science at Bucknell University. The discussion covered much of the history and complexities of the conflict for both the Palestinians and the Israelis.
November 21, 2023
At the November 22, 2023 Educational Forum, "Ida B. Wells & the Strruggle Against Racist Violence", Lycoming College Professor Sarah Silkey spoke about the life of Ida B. Wells, famed African American journalist and her anti-lynching crusade. Professor Silkey’s research reveals how systemic racism created a self perpetuating cycle of dehumanization of African Americans.
October 17, 2023
October's Educational Forum series featured a talk by Chris Baxter, CEO and founding editor in chief of Spotlight PA, on “Journalism, Democracy & Driving Change". His presentation explored how the future of Pennsylvania and the future of journalism are inextricably linked, how Spotlight PA is blazing a new path forward for trusted reporting, and why so much is at stake.
September 19, 2023
Lewisburg Area’s Educational Forum series began the year with a talk by Scott Meinke, Bucknell University Professor of Political Science. His presentation, “Young Americans Really Do Care About Politics: The Surprising Story of Youth Voter Turnout”, looked at some statistics about young voters' interest in and barriers to voting.
April 18, 2023
For our Educational Forum Series Bill Bowman, Managing Editor of the The Daily Item and The Danville News, and CNHI Regional Editor, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland and North Carolina gave a talk about “Why Pennsylvania’s Right To Know Laws Must Be Changed”. His presentation focused on understanding the background of R2K laws, current trends, and relevant local and regional experiences with these laws.
March 21, 2023
Dara Purvis, Esquire, Associate Dean and Professor of Law, Penn State Law at University Park gave an on-line presentation in which she addressed the legal ramifications of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent abortion rights case in her talk on “Roe, Dobbs and What’s Next: Law of Privacy Today”.
February 21, 2023
Amelia J. Uelmen, Esquire gave an on-line presentation, “Three Healthy Habits for Good Citizenship in Polarized Times”, where she discussed how to deveop communication skills that can help us live and connect with those from a different backgrounds, perspectives and/or understanding of issues.
January 17, 2023
For the Educational Forum series, Christi Buker, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Library Association spoke on “Libraries, Books, Bans and Censorship in Pennsylvania”. She focused on understanding the background of book bans, current trends, and recognizing censorship as it relates to libraries and the impact it has on our communities. She distributed a presentation handout for all attendees containing many references and additional resources.
November 15, 2022
Dr. Gregory Krohn, Bucknell Professor Emeritus of Economics spoke on Inflation: Causes, Consequences and Cures. Dr. Krohn spoke about the causes, consequences, and potential cures for recent inflation in the wake of the short, sharp recession caused by Covid-19. Due to poor virtual connection and a poor recording, the above link connects to Dr. Krohn's slides for the talk.
October 18, 2022:
Robin Stelly, state organizer with the PA Health Access Network (PHAN), spoke on “Affordable Health Care in PA: An Advocacy Challenge.” She focused on strengths and weaknesses of healthcare provisions of The Inflation Reduction Act and what’s coming at the state level.
September 20, 2022:
Marc Stier, director of the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center, Keystone Research Center, offered his thoughts on “The Key Issue Dividing America: Threats to Democracy, Real or Perceived?” This forum was the first hybrid Forum - offering opportunities for people to attend in person or to listen via Zoom.
August 16, 2022:
Union County Commissioners offered an informal 'state of the county' presentation and subsequent discussion. All three Commissioners - Jeff Reber, Stacy Richards and Preston Boop - provided their update on a busy day between a morning working session and afternoon Board meeting. As usual, this annual update was well attended by LWVLA members and community residents.
March 15, 2022:
In a talk titled, "Cash Crops in Union County: Chickens, Cows, Corn, Hogs, Oh My!" Shawn McLaughlin offered a valuable overview of agriculture in our own county's back yard. He spoke about Pennsylvania agribusiness, the various cash crops in Union County, trends impacting agricultural economics, and implications to the community. McLaughlin is the Union County's Director of Planning and Economic Development.
February 15, 2022:
Dr. Jennifer Polinchock-Baugh, Superintendent of Schools, Lewisburg Area School District gave a school district update and shared some of the challenges for school leaders during the pandemic. She graciously fielded a range of questions from the Fourm participants.
January 18, 2022:
Sarah Lada, Doctor of Psychology and Specialty Program Coordinator at Federal Corrections Complex (FCC) Allenwood spoke at the first educational Forum of 2022. "Addressing Mental Health in the Federal Prison System" was a fascinating glimpse into the complex range of mental health needs among the incarcerated and the variety of programs and interventions designed to meet inmates' needs.
November 16, 2021:
Dr. Sue Ellen Henry, professor of Education at the Bucknell University, drew a record number of 113 registrations for this educational Forum. In a fascinating presentation and Q&A session, the Forum explored the definition of Critical Race Theory, its relation to diversity, equity and inclusion, and how different perspectives show up in public education.
October 19, 2021:
Bucknell Professor Judith Grisel's talk, "Never Enough, The Cycle of Addiction," had the audience riveted as she reviewed research on addiction. With multiple illustrations and analogies, she shared some of the underlying factors - genetic, developmental, and envionmental - which predispose an individual to addiction. She also responded to policy questions from the audience about legalization of marijuana and use of suboxone.
In February, 2019, Professor Grisel was interviewed by Terry Gross on National Public Radio's Fresh Air program. The video of this Educational Forum includes Prof. Grisel's talk as well as her slides.
September 21, 2021:
At the first educational Forum for the autumn of 2021, Scott Meinke, Professor of Political Science at Bucknell University and author of numerous publications on U.S. politics and policy, spoke on “The Battle over Voting: How Courts, Congress and the States are Expanding and Restricting Access to the Ballot.” Note that the video of his presentation begins a few minutes into his presentation.
April 29, 2021:
In the second of two Candidates Nights for the Spring Primary 2021, the focus was on open positions for the school boards for Lewisburg and Milton, District 3. Participating were Kevin Fry (Milton), Mary Brouse, Heather Haynos, Kristin Kraus, Jamie Lyons, Mary Ann Sigler Stanton. The six candidates - some experienced, some new - fielded questions from LWVLA and the community.
April 26, 2021:
In the first of two Candidates Nights for the Spring Primary 2021, residents had the opportunity to get to know local candidates Brian Kerstetter (candidate for Judge of Common Pleas), Kendy Alvarez (candidate for Mayor, Lewisburg Borough, and David Heayn (candidate for Mayor, Lewisburg Borough.) The evening included questions from LWVLA and from those registered to attend the virtual event.
April 20, 2021:
In their talk titled “Current Issues Facing Union County, PA,” Commissioners Preston Boop. Stacy Richards, and Jeff Reber provided a comprehensive and dense update on various aspects of Union County.
This was the final educational Forum for Spring 2021. Discussions are underway to decide how to meet in the fall - in person, virtually or some combination.
March 16, 2021:
In their talk titled "Turbulent Times for Victims and Survivors" Mae-Ling Kranz, CEO of Transitions of PA, and Susan Mathias, former CEO of Transitions of PA, reminded us that domestic abuse and violence are all around us. Demand for services has increased, especially during the pandemic. Our community is fortunate to have Transitions of PA in the area.
A video of the program is available for viewing.
February 16, 2021:
Nicole Peterson, Food Security Coordinator Union-Snyder Community Action Agency (CAA) spoke on “What is food insecurity: How will we reach sustainable food security in this region?” recently.
A video includes her presentation as well as Q&A. Our time with Ms. Peterson was provocative and made some members think we should consider doing a study about the local dynamics of this important topic. Her slide deck is a valuable reference on the breadth and complexity of this topic.
January 16, 2021:
The first educational Forum of 2021 featured Dennis Lyons, editor of The Daily Item, who spoke on "Real News When We Need It Most." His informative and stimulating talk prompted many questions during the Q&A period. This video captures the richness of the Dennis' presentation. Afterward, attendees divided into two groups to explore what it is about conversations about news so challengings. These sessions were facilitated by Susan Jordan and Karen Cotter, mediators from the Susquehanna Valley Mediation Center.
December 15, 2020:
November 17, 2020:
A recent educational Forum featured Amy Wolaver, Associate Professor of Economics at Bucknell University and Director of the Buckell Institute for Public Policy. Professor Wolaver spoke on “COVID-19, US Public Health and Governmental Response.” The retrospective view and current updates were fascinating. Check out the video of Prof. Wolaver's presentation and the rich Q&A period.
October 20, 2020:
At an educational Forum, Dr. Jessy Defenderfer, political science professor at Bloomsburg University spoke on “Polarization and the Electoral Process: How Did We Get Here?” A video of our time with Dr. Defenderfer includes her presentation as well as the Q&A period.
March 8, 2020:
2 Centennials Celebration, honoring the 100th Anniversaries of the passage of the 19thAmendment and the founding of the League of Women Voters. Local columnist Freddi Carlip’sdescription captures the event and its wonderful mood. League of Women Voters Hosts Centennial Celebration.
Live music was provided by Kj Reimensnyder-Wagner.
Credits for songwriters:
Harriet Tubman - by John McCutcheon
Common Thread - by Pat Humphries
I Am A Woman - by Ruth Pelham
Circle of Women - by Kj Reimensnyder-Wagner
Gentle Loving People - by Holly Near
New Lyrics to the original Auld Lang Syne - music by Robert Burns
We Shall Not Be Moved - Traditional
February 19, 2020:
Monthly Forum, open to public. “Public Education in Union County”, featuring Steven Skalka, Superintendent of the Lewisburg Area School District and Daniel Lichtel, Superintendent of the Mifflinburg Area School District.
January 28, 2020:
Monthly Forum, open to the public. “Women’s Suffrage 1848-1920”, presented by Mary Zimmerman, immediate past president of LWVLA. She taught women’s history for 30 plus years at the college level.
November 2, 2019:
The Mauch Millennial Project partnered with the Lewisburg Children’s Museum to create a voting booth exhibit—Vote LCM. Thanks to the Greater Susquehanna Valley Chamber of
Commerce for organizing a ribbon-cutting ceremony for the grand opening. Click here for more information on the Mauch Millennial Project.
The “How to Run For Office” day-long workshop was offered in late 2018 and included panelists spanning levels of government, counties, and political parties. The workshop agenda included getting started on a run for public office, the legal procedures and requirements for candidates, and one session was on coalition building - during which the attendees could talk with political party representatives. Material from the workshop has been updated and is available.